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Opportunity Details

La Familia - Sacramento

5-10 volunteers are needed to hep administer 220 second doses of Moderna vaccine to members of the Sacramento community.

Volunteer description:

Quick Overview: Health professional licensees and students have the opportunity to volunteer to vaccinate people living in California with a particular emphasis on hard-to-reach communities of color. This event will be held at the Maple Neighborhood Center and be a mix of drive through and walk up vaccination services.  The vaccination event will be held outdoors.

Impact: A collaboration among La Familia Counseling Services, HealthImpact, the Sacramento Native American Health Center, the Latino Economic Council of Sacramento, and the Sacramento Department of Public Health are doing outreach to communities of color to do vaccinations for this vulnerable population.

Various Volunteer Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Review the orientation manual that will be sent to you if you are assigned to this event.
  • Medical screening.
  • Preparing the vaccine for administration.
  • Administering the vaccine (depending on licensure for licensees or supervision for students)
  • Post vaccination observation, patient education, managing adverse effects.
  • Answering general questions, wayfinding, restocking supplies, and other organizational tasks around event.
Volunteer Requirements:
  • Be 18 or over
  • We STRONGLY suggest they have their own transportation and are willing & able to transport themselves to whatever site is in need of support.
  • Be willing to sign & send release forms & give consent for background check prior to training.
  • Can commit to any period of time, 1 day or longer.
We Highly Recommend that All Volunteers:
  • Are in good overall health and not have any symptoms suggestive of acute illness such as, but not limited to, fever, cough, body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell.
  • Have NO known exposure to coronavirus & are willing to be tested if necessary.
  • Be able to lift 20 lbs.
  • Be able to stand up to four hours a day.
  • Be able to work while wearing personal protective equipment in warm weather.
  • Dress for the expected and unexpected weather as the event is outdoors.
  • Lunch will be provided.  If additional nutrition or specific dietary requirements are needed, please bring your own supply.
We highly recommend that our Volunteers are not at high risk for severe illness from Covid-19 as defined by the CDC.
The CDC defines those at high-risk as:
  • Individuals age 65 and over
  • Individuals of all ages with underlying medical conditions, including those with:
    • Chronic Lung Disease
    • Moderate to Severe Asthma
    • Serious Heart Conditions
    • Immunocompromised issues
    • Severe Obesity (body mass index 40 or higher)
    • Diabetes
    • Chronic Kidney Disease or undergoing dialysis
    • Liver Disease
    • Individuals living in a nursing home or long-term care facility

COVID-19 Precautions:
Volunteers are directed to wear closed toed shoes (no slippers, etc.) and are provided with CDC-recommended safety gear for vaccine clinics (i.e., surgical mask, eye shield, gloves) to wear while onsite.  If the volunteer wants to bring their own N95 mask, they are welcome to do so.  There will not be N95 masks available onsite.

By clicking “sign up,” I acknowledge that I am aware and understand that I am being referred to Activities that are coordinated and managed by a third party Agency or Organization and that HealthImpact has no jurisdiction, control, or oversight over these Activities. The Activities may be inherently dangerous and may expose me to a variety of foreseen and unforeseen hazards and risks including exposure to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (“COVID-19”).  The Activities may involve a degree of contact with clients who need assistance and other volunteers who may be carriers of COVID-19.  By clicking “sign up,” I acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in the Activities and have considered those risks. I hereby expressly and specifically assume such risks, including any and all risk of injury, illness, harm, or loss that I may incur as a result of my participation in the Activities. I hereby fully and forever release and discharge HealthImpact and the other organizers from, and expressly waive, any and all liability, claims, and demands of whatever kind or nature, either in law or in equity, that may arise from my participation in the Activities. 


The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Good Health and Well-Being
People with Health-based Concerns

Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+

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  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

Signup Questions

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